Christians are TERRIBLE at nuance, and that’s a problem. – Part 2: The Problem has ROOTS.

Image result for rootsNOTE: This is part 2 of a 3 part post. Click here for Part 1. 

So why are modern evangelicals so bad at nuance? Here are a couple of reasons.

We are too quick.

News moves FAST today. A story that is hot in the morning could be stone cold after lunch. If we are going to get our opinion out there while this topic is still important, then we need to post NOW. There’s no time for research or careful study. There’s no time for meditation and careful consideration. And, since  I only have 140 characters, there’s no ROOM for nuance!

If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame.
Prov. 18:13

We are too lazy.

I just used words like “research” and “careful study.” That’s a lot of work. Given the limited amount of time and how laborious actual research can be, we’ll skip the work, write our quick response, and post.  We remember a verse or two about the topic and that’s enough for now.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
2 Tim. 2:16 (NASB)

We are too extreme in our opinions.

Few things are normal or average today. You will look high and low to find an OK waffle posted to Instagram. It’s either “This is the BEST waffle I’ve ever had in my entire life!” or it’s “This waffle made me hate life and regret my decision making.” I don’t know about you, but I’ve never had either reaction to a waffle. Most waffles I’ve eaten are OK. Some are pretty good. None are life changing.But since we speak in extremes today our expressions of approval or disapproval have lost nuance.

The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.
Prov. 18:17

We want approval too much.

I believe lurking in the deepest part of our wicked hearts there is one key motivation for all of these errors. We love approval.

Posting a strongly worded tweet about the issue at hand will get us LIKES on social media. This is especially true when we post to those in our tribe! Wolves love red meat and throwing out morsels will garner the approval of our pack! LIKES from our peers make us feel good! We LOVE approval so we post away!

I’m saying “we” because I know how powerful this idol is on a very personal level. The desire for man’s approval has driven me more often then I want to admit. It’s put me in the pit of depression and made me feel worthless. And although I’m living in more victory than ever, the temptation is constantly stirring in my heart.

I had deeply contemplate this when I started blogging again. Why did I stop? Was I not getting the attention and approval I thought I deserved? Why was I hesitant to start again? Did I fear what people would say?

ONE motivation needs to guide the decisions of my life; “to declare the excellencies of HIM who called [me] out of darkness into His marvelous light! (1 Pet. 2:9)” As I have already mentioned, it’s a daily battle for me personally. But what would our interactions on social media look like if we cared very little about what people thought of US but very MUCH about what they thought of our God? How would it change the time we take to study and think before we tweet? How would it change effort we put into forming our opinion and the words we choose to carefully articulate the greatness of our Jesus? For that matter, what would our LIVES look like if we were really and truly motivated by HIS glory and not our own? It would look different in ways we can’t imagine. And it would have more impact than we can dream.

So let’s talk about how living for God’s glory will impact our nuance…next time.

Next: The Problem has a REMEDY

Published by pastorhart

Husband,father, that order. I'm a sinner saved, recluse redeemed, beggar bought, and a glutton glorified, all by GOD'S GRACE and THAT ALONE!

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